Accomplishments and Milestones
Visiting Scholar
November 2018 - Present
I currently hold visiting scholar positions at the Center for Integrated Quantum Materials (CIQM) at Harvard University (Prof. Bob Westervelt) and MIT Department of Physics (Prof. Riccardo Comin). My work here focuses on developing new types of optics for coherent control of X-ray wavefronts.
Group Leader
July 2015 - Present
I am working together with three excellent scientists (a postdoc and two Ph.D. students) in the Micro- and Nano-Optics Group. We strive for improving the focusing efficiency and resolving power of X-ray lenses. On the way, we develop new nanofabrication routes and optimize existing ones.
Summary & Research Interests
Everything Nano...
During my time as the leader of the Micro/Nano Optics Group in the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), I followed a holistic approach to develop nanofabrication strategies for advanced optics for high-energy spectro-microscopy, as summarized in Fig. 1. This multi-faceted research approach led to the first point-focusing, approximation free soft X-ray kinoform lenses using gray-scale ion beam lithography (IBL) [1] (Fig. I). Recently, we used two-photon polymerization (2PP) based 3D nano-printing of high-efficiency X-ray lenses (Fig. II) with great preliminary results [2], and potential that is even more significant for the future. Furthermore, we used atomic layer deposition (ALD) and IBL to fabricate the first functional multilayer-Fresnel Zone Plates (Fig III) [3], and FZPs for coherent diffractive imaging (Fig. IV).
In the future, I am interested to use the nanotechnology expertise I have built over the years and transferrable fabrication and analysis skills to meet new challenges in nanofabrication and nano-imaging on a broader scope. I want to leverage my experience in nano-photonics, nano-fabrication to engineer sandbox devices, such as 2D and 3D ensembles of electronic and optically active nanoparticles and structures. My group will use cutting-edge microscopy tools to study these engineered systems under a variety of in situ and in operando conditions.
Ph.D. in Chemistry - 2011-2015
University of Stuttgart & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
I finished my dissertation in July 2015 with summa cum laude. I worked mainly on design, fabrication, and testing of X-ray optics. I concentrated my efforts mainly on developing focused ion beam lithography protocols, and characterization of the X-ray lenses.
M.Sc. in Nanotechnology - 2007 - 2010
Anadolu University - Turkey
I worked on hydrothermal synthesis of shape and size-controlled ZnO particles, fabrication of ZnO ceramics with a high degree of crystallographic texture and the characterization of their anisotropic properties. In addition, I continued my work on the vapor-solid transport method for synthesizing ZnO nanowires on the textured substrates.
B.Sc. in Materials Science & Engineering - 2003 - 2007
I finished my undergrad studies with the highest GPA among my classmates. In my B.Sc. thesis, I worked on the nanofabrication of ZnO nanowires by means of the vapor-solid transport method. This work was in relation to the thermoelectric properties of nanowires and their percolation behavior.
Anadolu University - Turkey
Scholarships / Internships
International Max Planck Research School - Advanced Materials
Ph.D. Scholarship
In 2011, I was selected from a multitude of candidates for the prestigious and competitive International Max Planck Research School on Advanced Materials with a scholarship that allowed me to move to Stuttgart for my Ph.D. studies.
National Institute for Materials Science
Japan - Visiting Researcher
During Fall 2008, I was a visiting researcher at NIMS in Tsukuba, Japan, in the fine particle processing group. I used the 12 Tesla superconducting magnet there to orient the ZnO particles I've synthesized for my master's work. This work led to a paper on anisotropic sintering shrinkage properties of textured ZnO ceramics, as well as another paper on the anti-bacterial properties of ZnO/HAP bio-composites.
Erasmus/Socrates Scholarship
Germany - Exchange Student
In 2006 Spring, I went to the Technical University of Darmstadt as an exchange student. This was an experience that significantly affected my future as I decided to continue my studies in Germany during this time.
(Invited or otherwise)
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Micro-Diffractive Optics for Coherent Control of X-rays
International Baltic School 2019 “4-th Generation X-ray Sources: coherent optics and techniques”
- Invited -
August 2019 - I was invited by Dr. Anatoly Snigirev to gave a talk in Kaliningrad at the summer school on opportunities for novel X-ray optics in emerging X-ray sources.
Nanofabrication of diffractive optics for coherent control of X-rays
Kirtland Air Force Base
- Invited -
I was invited to give a talk on our research activities in MPI-IS via AFOSR's window on science (WOS) program.
Advanced Routes for Efficient Focusing of X-rays – Zone Plates, Kinoforms, and Computer-Generated Holograms
DPG - Spring Meeting
- Invited -
April 2018 - I gave an invited talk on nanofabrication of advanced X-ray optics in the German Physical Society's Spring meeting in Berlin.
Nanofabrication of High Performance X-ray Focusing Optics
CNS Seminar - Harvard
- Invited -
November 2017 - I was invited to give a talk on our X-ray lenses for the Harvard's Center for Nanoscale Systems Seminar series.
Scientific Service
A summary overview of my scientific service.
I reviewed grant proposals for the YIP program of AFOSR and the Polish National Science Center.
I have been a referee for various scientific journals including ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Microelectronic Engineering, Optical Engineering, Journal of Modern Optics, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Optics and Laser Technology.